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Homemade Granola

The best granola is the one you make yourself. It´s easy and it gives you control over every ingredient. Further down the article, you'll find the easiest recipe. Mix the finished granola with berries, fruit, or whatever you might have.

No doubt that homemade , makes the best granola

I'll admit that I'm the one who eats most of the granola in our house, It tastes so good that I keep catching myself eating straight out of the jar.

This batch of granola will last for about a month if keeps in an airtight jar



  • 250 g lightly cooked oatmeal

  • 50 g sunflower seeds

  • 50 g pumpkin seeds

  • 50 g sesame seeds

  • 50 g flaxseed

  • 50 g coconut flakes

  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar

  • 150 g coarsely chopped almonds or nuts

  • 2dl water

  • 2 tablespoons neutral oil

  • squeeze out 1-2 tablespoons of fresh lemon

  • 100 g honey or maple syrup - I use maple syrup

Let's do this

Mix the dry ingredients in a large bowl.

Boil water and add maple syrup, lemon, and oil.

Mix the dry ingredient with the liquid and spread the mix over a lined tray

Place in the middle of the oven at 140 degrees for 1 hour.

Every 15 minutes, stir in the mixture and distribute it over the plan again. If you think the batter is still a little damp, leave it for an extra 15-30 minutes until you see it is crispy and dry.



I love using this granola with my homemade Chia pudding.


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