And we were pleasantly surprised .......
The peel-off nail polish we tested is from Depend and we bought it at HM. More and more manufacturers are coming up with their variant of this varnish.

One of us chose to apply the base coat, while the other took the peel off right on the nails. One thing we were both where good at was letting the nail polish dry well between each application. This is due to several years of experience with varnishing nails at home :)
We applied 2 coats of nail polish and the varnish stuck very well.
When we were to start peeling off the paint after 1 week, we were a bit unsure if this would work.
But the pictures speak for themselves. We got hold of a small corner of the varnish and all of the nail polish came with it. The nail below was neither dry nor rough. And all the paint came off in one big piece. It can probably not be called anything other than a success.
The conclusion: The peel-off nail polish works like a charm!