Along the coast of Norway, more specifically in the west Norway, we found the place that would be the perfect place for the next photo job.
Alchemilla greenhouse, the perfect place for the photo shoot with TurbanLove x Sisters, and it was an experience, a little adventure ..

In this disused greenhouse, we photographed the very first collection of TurbanLove x Sisters. The greenhouse was full of treasures we got used on the pictures, as you see here.
"If you do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life.”
Marc Anthony.
The first day it was extremely hot, the owner and designer of the collection ended up working in the bra and the rest of us sweated through the day.
But on day two, it was reversed, icy cold. Suddenly we had to work with winter coats well packed around us. As a photographer in Norway, you have to work in very different conditions, not to mention the poor models who were freezing cold one day and boiling hot.

A little bit of summer the first shoot day.
The story
The person behind TurbanLove x Sisters is a brave flight attendant and designer from Sandnes in Norway.
Let me introduce: Hege Eldholm
After running the online store where she designs and sews turbans herself, she decided to design dresses. What was very important to Hege in this process was that the dresses should be handmade by women for women.
The fabric is handmade and printed using a technique called block printing and they are sewn by a local woman who runs her own business in India